This is not only my favorite part about our dorm but also my friends’ favorite. The lounge, as well as the common kitchen located, is on the first floor of each cluster as I mentioned before. It is a great place to just relax and have some nice talk with friends or doing group work together. There are more things you could do in lounge—the room with a big sofa, a TV, a table and four chairs. Sometimes, the event of our cluster holds in that room. Sometimes, my friends and I would do homework and review books together in that room. Sometimes, people will do yoga in that room. And sometimes, sitting in the sofa, enjoying some food, and chitchatting are also great options. Because there is a common kitchen right there, some people even like to make their own food and eat with friends there, especially foreigners. Just because they can’t get the food taste like the same in their country from here, they usually make it by their own. The lounge is the place that always filled with laughs and joys. Also, the lounge is always decorated in different holiday season. Like the Halloween holiday that just passed by. We covered the glasses doors and windows of the lounge with black papers so it looks terror from outside, and we bought cobweb to put on the bush outside the lounge. It is fun to decorate them with the friends. However, the room is public and there are some people that do not take responsibilities, like do not clean up after having fun, do not turn off the lights when they left, or play the music aloud in the midnight and so on. But it is still a fun place to hang out.